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Gun Control Debate

(Hook) At the height of the nation's shock and lament over the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, a New York Times journalist, reports that “Democrats… have been fighting to tighten gun restrictions after the massacre… the timing… was not a coincidence” (Stolberg). (Bridge) Stolberg’s message is that a definite connection exists between massacres and gun control debates, so Americans must keep a level head about the gun control issue, examining the facts of the argument, rather than simply letting their emotions get the better of them. (Divided Stasis) (Opponent’s Claim) Although opponents of the freedom to bear arms guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment claim universal background checks will curb gun violence, (Rhetor’s Main Claim) given the current situation of politicians shamelessly manipulating public feeling in order to accomplish political agendas, enforcing universal background checks (Reason/Support 1) actually causes increased gun violence, (Reason/Support 2) clearly stands against the United States Constitution, and (Reason/Support 3) definitively constitutes a non-issue.

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